Soups and books

Dear friends,

My absence on this blog hasn’t been purely accidentally: you see, I have been horribly sick for the past 7-8 days and I’m still in recovering phase, as I write these lines. Must have been a virus, a really stubborn one, as it turned my whole body upside down: high fever, cold shivers, muscle ache, headache, backache, every centimeter of my body was a painful battlefield with this crazy virus. Needless to say that at one point I had no choice but to call my mother (who lives in another city) to come over to look after baby Clover, as I couldn’t move out of bed or stand on my own two feet, let alone take care of a lively in-constant-motion baby.

But enough with the complaining part: I feel much better and I so miss my everyday blogging and sporadic chit-chats with you, dear friends. As my only activities for the last days have been soups and books, here are some discoveries I made in these fields.


bed and books


I’m a vivid avoid-er of antibiotics and pills, so my personal arsenal in fighting colds, flues and crazy viruses, are soups, hot baths, herbs and teas. And though most certainly everyone has two or three recipes up their sleeve, here are some more to be considered:

Old-Fashioned French Onion Soup

From the host of “French Food at Home”, here is Laura Calder’s French Onion Soup.

Definitely on my list via one of my favorite bloggers out there, Joanna Goddard, here is a must-try-soon recipe. It is supposedly very popular with children as well: The Best Broccoli Soup You’ll Ever Have. Speaking of  <the best>, here is an unforgettable Taco Soup if you prefer your dishes to be a bit more daring and spicy.

For all Mediterranean cuisine lovers, here is a comfort-y Tomato and Basil Soup recipe that will put you in good spirits in no time.


carrot soup with chermoula


Next in line is something a little different, something that I don’t usually make and serve; however the bright delicious orange color of the carrots caught my eyes and my interest, so I’m pretty sure I will try this one out soon: North-African Carrot Soup with Chermoula.

And to end the soup yummy odyssey, here is a velvety, creamy Spring Soup.


As for books, the big revelation of these past days, was that there is something incredible happening when you are sick (and have the craziest thoughts that you will die) and read a book on how to get wealthier and happier by making more money. I find it miraculously gives you a proverbial kick and boosts your energy level to get up and start working your socks off in order to live your dreams (and never worry about the financial aspect again).

I particularly enjoyed reading What Got You Here Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith. If you already read the book (and enjoyed it), note that this author with a predestined family name has a thing or two to say when it comes to getting and keeping your creative Mojo in swing.

If you’re more of a rules-lover, Mr. Richard Templer has 100 Rules about Money to share with you. I didn’t read the book, but I was happy to discover several positive reviews on it and an excerpt of the book and I found the writing to be refreshing articulate, featuring pure common sense and liberating down-to-earth advice. If you’re already curious, as I am, let’s place our orders and get a copy of the book.


books up to the ceilling


Also if you feel adventurous and want to read more on living your dreams and putting the afferent hard-work into it, here is one of my personal favorite books on the subject: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma. It’s a great, light/easy reading, full of wisdom and enlightenment seeds that will make you want to reflect on your life and act accordingly.

And though it may not be the common or normal way to end this post, but I want to spell it out loud: it’s good to be back blogging and I really missed you!

Have a good one!



*Image sources: 1/2/3/